kadang kadang kita selalu dengar yang LOVE nie
situation 1:
"he loves you but u dont love him. he's upset and move on. and suddenly years after that u realize that u actually love him? so how?"
okay to cope with this kind of situation, kita kena analyze dulu mcm mana keadaan dia sekarang. EH OF COZ LA!! sebab he's not going to wait forever. besides he has moved on rite. so kita kena determine dulu whether he's still waiting for us or not. okay if he's still waiting so what u looking for??! DO NOT PLAY DUMB! jgn nak mengada masa tu nak fikir 20,60 kali. hey dear GOOD MAN is NOT THAT MUCH NOWADAYS! but (okay there is a but) kalau dia DAH ADA ORANG LAIN, it is you that need to move on okay. yelaa u kena ingat u're the one that crushed him, and when he has found someone to heal him jgn la nak suke2 comeback. jgn igt dia ANAK PATUNG!. DO NOT INTERRUPT their relationship. dear, u should be happy for him. pujuk hati tu.. cakap "sume nie Allah dah tentukan. there must be someone better for you :)
situation 2:
"u have an ex boyfriend that have cheated on u like thousands time, but your little heart still forgives him, are u being stupid or not?"
okay, for this situation it depends, sometimes YES YOU ARE BEING SERIOUSLY STUPID but sometimes.... AWWWWW~ YOU'RE SUCH A CHANCE GIVER! kadang2 kita tak tau situation die macam mana.. kita can't simply accuse die buat bende2 y dia ta buat tau! okay let say la he lied about things y macam "no one admire me at school so dont worry my dear"(if u guys studying at different school) and suddenly u baca wall facebook or inbox about a confessions of a girl that is "LIKING" him... u jgn lah mengamuk syg~ he's rying to make u feel secure! dia ta nak u guys rasa terancam that's all... so jgn la dok maki hamun dia "penipu la, buaya tembaga la, mcm2 lagi" OKAY! BUT!(okay lagi satu but -.-) kalau dah ade confession mcm tu and die buleyh dok reply with such a berbune bunge punye ayat... haaaiii lelaki macam tu better u humban je dalam gaung! he's not worth it okay! don't cry for such a loser like that. u're wasting your tears!
situation 3:
"u do like someone, but u dont know how to express your love. and the most important thing is, u're afraid that he/she wil reject u!"
for this kind of situation Lis cuma nak pesan satu, BE YOURSELF! jgn nak jadi orang lain just nak buat die suka kat kamu! "i'm not going to make myself as pretty as her but i'm going to turn myself as pretty as ME" okay fikir la secara logik akal nye.. kamu nak ke someone that u love so bad, love/like u for someone that u're pretending to be?
okay so enough with the situation.
assalamualaikum :D
alia balqis rudaini@lis
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